Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Human verzions of the Days of the Week

Monday- A slacking, tired, moody, lazy, bummed out person

Tuesday- Slightly sleepy, dragging, little more awake.

Wednesday- Determined to get through the day, more focused, moves at a normal pace.

Thursday- Starts to get ansy, wants to get through the day faster.

Friday- Quiet, ready to get done, finish whatever he needs to do during the day. By night going out and having a blast.

Saturday- The real party animal, will do things that no one would ever think of doing. Bright personality, very social.

Sunday- Can't remember a thing, drowsy. Chilling at home after all the fun, preparing for the next day, taking naps throughout the day.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Class Reflection

So this part of the class has been pretty good for me. I took a break from my story to read “This Lullaby” by Sarah Dessen, it was a good way to get some ideas and thoughts for my story. I’m able to do about half a page a day now on the days that I actually type and have things going on in my mind. There tend to be some days when I really can’t focus and do stuff but there are other days when I’m on the ball. Loving the recent prompts that have been on the board. Don’t really think the student reading thing is really helpful or anything. Can’t wait to do presentations for the final, besides just reading some passages from our work can we also like just explain what we did and how we’ve been doing it and stuff. Also can we ask for ideas/help on how we can keep our work going. But overall great class wish it was around like last year too.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Switching It Up a Bit

Taking it slow now, living in the life of Sylus while he is at school and work instead of racing. Here's an excerpt of what I've got going on. Let me know what you think.

I headed off to work like I do every typical school day. It was the late lunch shift that then cycled into as the dinner shift. I pulled up to the employee parking and saw that the rest of the lot was empty except for like one possibly two car that were near the far end of the lot. I put on my staff shirt and walked in the front door to see Sandy standing behind the counter pouring coffee for an older man, while Jane- one of the waitresses- was clearing one of the tables.

“How was your first weekend of driving Hun?” Sandy asked as I approach the door that lead into the kitchen.

I turned over to her, “Let’s just say it’s an amazing feeling.” I smiled as I pushed the swinging door open. “Hey guys.” I said to Jeff an older guy that has literally been doing dishes here since the place opened; or at least I think.

“Hey Sy,” Jeff said as he closed the dishwasher to run another rack of dishes.

“How’s the car running?” asked Carl the other owner and head cook.

“Like a top.” I grabbed my apron off of the rack and positioned myself at the giant fryerlators and checked to see what I needed to have ready before any customers came in. I had four baskets that I dipped into the hot oil. The freezers was to my right incase I needed any fries, chicken tenders, or whatever else people ordered. Jane came walking in with some dishes and set them by Jeff. She was one of the just got out of college and is working just to have enough money to pay for her apartment. “Wow Sylus, that car is pretty sharp looking.” She was another one of those girls that also liked to flirt with me.

“Oh, thanks Jane. It’s fast too.”

“I bet it is,” she placed her hand on my shoulder then slowly ran it down my arm as she headed back to the door.

“Sylus, you remind me of myself when I was your age.” Carl said while chopping up some lettuce.

I grabbed a handful of fries and put them in one of the baskets and dumped them in the oil. “Why’s that?”

“Are you joking right now?” He looked up at me and stared.

“Ummm, no.” I shook the basket around.

“You have all these girls flirting with you, just like I did.”

“Yeah but you must’ve flirted back huh?”

He started slicing tomatoes, “I sure did. Why don’t you?”

“Waiting for the right one. You know?” I shook the basket again.

“Uh huh, I know what you mean. How long are you willing to wait.”

I pulled the fries out of the hot oil and let them cool before putting them in a basket. “As long as I need to until I find the right one.” I looked over at Jeff, who by this time had finished the dishes and was starting to wash off his area. “How long did it take you to find the right one Jeff.”

He turned around and smiled, “Ten years after high school just after I had gotten back from the war. That’s when I found the one right for me, but no one was as flirty back then as you are now.”

“They’re a lot better looking though now,” Carl chimed in, followed by a few snickers. I couldn’t help but snicker along with him.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

If I wasn't a Muggle

If I wasn't a muggle I wouldn't be a wizard instead I will be a Jedi. Having crazy telekenetic powers and be able to move objects and people just by focusing on them with my mind. Life would be so hard for me seeing that i would have to hide my powers from everyone and keep them a secret. Or i could tell everyone about my powers and become like a "superhero" but then my life would be to complicated and i wouldn't have any free time to myself.